The Method to Miracles and Money


We go from Method to Miracles to Money Talks in this wide-ranging episode. It is MUST-WATCH ( watch below or listen on the podcast). It’s a little longer than most other episodes, but worth every minute. I review key learnings from previous episodes and then go deep on reducing on your healthcare expenses by leveraging tech.

Better health and lower costs. It’s not a fantasy.

Watch to the end. Time-sensitive announcement. I want to help you.

Note: When you tap/click the “play” button, a new window will open. You may have to tap play another time once the video loads.


Run time: 36:54

In our next episode…


Preview: I will take a deep dive into the inherent bias in the healthcare system and how to use tech to reduce it. Let’s reduce health disparities while ensuring everyone gets ultra-personalized care.