S1 E2: Make Your Miracle
Welcome #MiracleMakers! This episode will define how you approach health and care because you will learn how to Make Your Miracle. That’s why this foundational episode is shares the title of the entire podcast. This episode is a MUST-LISTEN if you want to learn:
Stories about people who have achieved these “miracle” results and what they did
Real world stories of overcoming impossible odds for better health
Caregiving strategies to improve special needs outcomes when all seems so hard
Miracles are made, not magic, or divine providence (although prayer helps!)
How to make your own health miracle for yourself and/or a loved one
If you haven’t listened to the first episode, Moment to Momentum, make sure to do that before this episode.
In the first episode, you'll learn:
What changes the election results may bring in this new Moment
How to transform this Moment into personal and family health Momentum
Every day, people get health outcomes that doctors didn’t believe were possible and you can, too
I hope you find this enlightening and inspirational as we start the new year. Let’s make this year the most healthy for your personal and family health.
David S. Williams III
Host, Make Your Miracle Podcast
Founder & CEO, Care3