URGENT for Android Users: Update Your Care3 App
We urge all Android users to install the latest version of Care3.
Here’s the story:
At Care3 we spend a lot of our time watching users navigate the app in person. We also carefully monitor feedback, reviews, and comments.
This week for the first time, we witnessed firsthand the Care3 Android app crashing multiple times in only a few minutes. We were shocked and mortified. We checked if this wonderful woman, a family caregiver for her brother, had updated to any of our newer Android app versions and she had not.
We immediately updated her app from the Google Play store and it performed as expected (meaning everything worked with no crashes!).
We had received feedback that multiple crashes were occurring with our first Android release, but couldn’t replicate it no matter how hard we tried. We have updated the Android app several times since the first release, but recognize that some people may still be frustrated if they haven’t installed a new version.
Again, we urge all Android users to update to the latest version of Care3.
Thank you and we apologize for any inconvenience.
The Care3 Team