Care3™ launches Starter Care Plan feature to help caregivers get into their groove



(Los Angeles, CA) - July 6, 2016 - Care3™, a leading  developer of mobile health technology, has launched a new feature called Starter Care Plan for all iPhone and iPad app users.  Successful caregiving depends on having the goals set and the tasks laid in a routine that families can follow every single day. Starter Care Plan offers a set of the most common care tasks that family caregivers face when caring for a loved one, thus helping to integrate the tasks into a new caregiving routine. “At Care3, we call this routine your ‘groove.’ Getting into your caregiving groove means you’ve integrated caregiving into your personal and professional life. When you’re in the groove, you’re efficient, effective, and your stress level is manageable.” explains David Williams, Care3 Co-Founder and CEO.

Starter Care Plan is designed to get family caregivers  into their caregiving groove as quickly as possible. Users first create their Care Team and then are prompted to create the Starter Care Plan. This creates daily and weekly Actions that families share so that no one has to complete all of the care tasks alone, avoiding high stress, missed days of work, and burnout.

Family caregivers can also send Care3 discharge instructions to make them mobile for a nominal fee. Caregivers simply email their paper discharge plans after downloading the FREE mobile app and signing up.

About Care3™

Founded by three former Aetna executives with successful entrepreneurial backgrounds in consumer and enterprise health technology, Care3 elegantly combines patient and family engagement with post-acute care coordination on the same platform to improve outcomes and reduce costly hospital readmissions for underserved populations including seniors, people of color, and the disabled. Download the FREE Care3 mobile app on the App Store now. Learn more at