Senior Care Miracle Discoveries

When we started Care3 the company saw the opportunity for seniors to age in place with dignity and grace. The need for care coordination was clear because the disparities in outcomes for underserved groups showed how the #healthcare system was picking winners and losers.

That had to change.

Care3 was able to show real outcome improvement for seniors of color while also driving adult family caregivers to make more informed decisions in the home for their senior parents. Action plan adherence by families improved more than 68%. Interactions between families and doctors via text became the norm rather than phone tag or non-returned calls. More than once we received feedback from families that these results were miracles.

Providers received data to make better treatment decisions, altering care plans twice per quarter (!) rather than twice per year as was the norm. Falls were reduced by 5%. Emergency visits and hospitalizations reduced 9% each month.

With Care3, there were only winners.

AND working with us was cost-effective with a 1.7x ROI for our partner. We are proud of the work we have done and continue to do in senior care for families of color. 

These results are not normal. If you ask the families that worked with us, they called some results “miracles.”

We can show you how to make your own miracles. Contact us to schedule a brief 15 minute demo. It can change the life of your loved one, and yours.