Care3 CEO David Williams Moderates National Panel on Health Equity for Leading Think Tank

OCTOBER 13, 2022. Care3 CEO and Founder David S. Williams III moderated a virtual meeting of two dozen healthcare innovative leaders from across the country to discuss health equity, health data, and the future of the healthcare industry.

The Aspen Institute, a leading nonpartisan think tank, coordinated the session through their Health Innovators’ Fellowship and Henry Crown Fellowship programs (David is a Henry Crown Fellow).

The group defined what health equity means in their organizations and how they are taking the lead in tackling these disparities. From hospital systems, to health plans, care programs, health advocacy organizations, and digital health startups all see a path to drive equitable care.

The next area for discussion was what role health data could play at scale to drive health equity. The first focus was on Covid-19 vaccinations and the data that exposed healthcare’s “dirty little secret”—that there were racial disparities in healthcare as evidenced by vaccination access for people of color. At scale, that data pinpointed where vaccine deserts caused higher mortality rates over time. The group agreed that data aggregated from multiple domains of measurement, including and beyond, vaccine access can drive better healthcare distribution and improve outcomes. The issue is resolve at the policy level—and this group of leaders vowed to use their influence to deliver more equitable results.

Health inequity costs $362 billion in excess medical costs and lost productivity each year. Private industry, nonprofits, and government agencies must all come together to minimize these disparities for better public health and long term economic viability in the US. The Aspen Institute, its Fellowship programs, and Care3 are leading a movement from towards health equity from all sectors of the healthcare system.

About Care3

Care3 is the world’s first digital health equity platform helping health organizations and consumers manage the complexities of home and community-based care. Care3 leverages consumer engagement in the home to generate clinical and social determinants of health data to improve care and health decisions for underserved groups. Learn more at

NewsDavid S. Williams III