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(800+ UDW Members have joined…and counting!)
Enter your email address below and you will be taken to the special Care3 App for UDW Members sign up page.
Note: Once you sign up, you will see a button to download the Care3 mobile app.
See you inside!
UDW Partners with Care3 to Offer Award-Winning Caregiving App to Members
“I manage all of my son’s medications, doctor appointments, track symptoms, and assign tasks for my IHSS team in the Care3 app. I finally have everything in one place. It’s amazing!”
Help UDW advocate for you! By using Care3 for you IHSS activities, your caregiving experiences will contribute to our efforts to quantify your impact on California State healthcare costs. By measuring your impact, we can advocate for higher wages, greater benefits, and overall quality of life for you!
The Care3 for UDW Member Experience
Short Video: 2 Main Features (1:42)
Care3 is an all-in-one caregiving app. Here are two IMMEDIATE ways Care3 gives you the power you need to manage your health and care activities every single day.
1. Your Health Timelines
Once you’ve joined, you will see your Timelines on the Home screen.
UDW custom timelines include a Medications Log, Care Tasks Log, and an Appointments Log with the most common care activities.
UDW Members can also customize a Symptoms Tracking Log by filling out a 5-minute survey in the app.
Share timelines with doctors, nurses and other care team members.
2. Your My Actions Calendar
Your My Actions calendar keeps all care tasks organized. Each day, check your calendar for the care activities that must be completed. Nothing falls through the cracks.
Care3 scans your health timelines and creates a to-do list each day on your My Actions calendar. Complete each task and you will see the results!
OK, now we know you’re ready. Join Care3 for UDW now! It’s FREE.
About UDW
We are a union made up of over 148,000 home care and family child care providers throughout California. Like all work done by women and people of color, care work has been historically excluded from the labor rights and protections afforded to other fields. UDW began nearly 50 years ago to fight this systemic injustice and has won many victories by building power from—and for—our traditionally underserved workforce. Through sharing our strengths and experiences, we have won many victories for care workers including paid sick leave, vacation pay, and overtime. We also advocate for the seniors, people with disabilities, and children we serve.
About Care3
Care3 is the world’s first health experience platform. The HIPAA compliant Care3 platform helps community-based care programs operate more effectively by driving visibility and accountability for care delivered in the home and community. This unprecedented insight enables care teams to intervene to prevent costly outcomes such as emergency visits and hospitalizations.