Season 3 Episode 3 (22): Your Best Life

Welcome to the Treat Us Right Podcast, Season 3 Episode 3 (22), Your Best Life.

About Treat Us Right

The Treat Us Right Podcast gives people of color, women the disabled and other marginalized groups the knowledge, insight, and power to overcome inequities in the healthcare system—so we all get treated right.

Host: David S. Williams III, MBA

Join digital health innovator and Care3 CEO David S. Williams III to learn how managing personal and family health information forces the healthcare system to treat you right, provide exceptional care, so you and your loved ones can live their best.

David has built three successful companies helping over 2 million people use the internet and mobile devices to improve personal and family health.

Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts or Spotify Podcasts.


Do you know what your best life is? 

Do you know what it looks like? Can you see it? Can you envision it? Can you feel it, taste it, touch it? If you don’t know, then you’re not close to living your best life. You have an inner power–an untapped, infinite potential–that if unleashed, will change your life and the lives of those around you.


Welcome! I’m David Williams CEO of Care3 and your HOST for Treat Us Right Podcast. This is Season 3 Episode 3. Your Best Life.

Before we get started, I have a request. Please give us that 5-star rating. 

We have thousands of listeners and listens and only 6 ratings on Apple Podcasts and 3 on Spotify Podcasts. Yes, a number of you listen directly from the care3 website which we love, but please give us the 5 star rating on Apple Podcasts or Spotify Podcasts. It’s the best way to show support and appreciation. Thank you.

NOW. Here’s the question of the episode.

Do you know what your best life is? 

Do you know what it looks like? Can you see it? Can you envision it? Can you feel it, taste it, touch it? If you don’t know, then you’re not close to living your best life. You have an inner power–an untapped, infinite potential–that if unleashed, will change your life and the lives of those around you.

In a health or care situation, it is paramount to visualize your best life. Every. Single. Day. 


  • Definition: Meditation is a practice that involves training the mind to achieve a state of focused attention, relaxation, and heightened awareness.

  • Techniques: It can involve various techniques such as mindfulness meditation, concentration meditation, loving-kindness meditation, or transcendental meditation.

  • Goal: The primary goal of meditation is often to cultivate inner peace, mindfulness, and a deep sense of awareness.

Recommended books on meditation:

  • "The Miracle of Mindfulness" by Thich Nhat Hanh

  • "10% Happier" by Dan Harris

  • "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle


  • Definition: Visualization, on the other hand, is a technique where individuals create mental images to simulate or recreate a desired experience.

  • Techniques: It involves mentally picturing specific scenes, scenarios, or outcomes to enhance performance, reduce stress, or manifest goals.

  • Goal: The main goal of visualization is to harness the power of the mind to influence thoughts, emotions, and behaviors positively.

Recommended books on visualization:

  • "Creative Visualization" by Shakti Gawain

  • "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne

  • "Mind Gym: An Athlete's Guide to Inner Excellence" by Gary Mack and David Casstevens

Now let me share one of the main reasons why I am here–talking to you–in your ear–about caring–and the POWER of meditation and visualization. Her name is Karen N. Williams, Ed.D. and she was my mother.

My mother’s story begins when I was born. 

When I was 11, she was told she had 6 months to live–diagnosed with terminal liver cancer. 

This is where my mother used all of education, energy, and positivity to save her own life.

Mom prolonged her life by doing two things:

  1. She embraced the 3 Actions - Attitude, Lifestyle, and Persistence

    1. All cancer research

    2. Managed diet and nutrition

    3. Quit smoking

    4. Increased exercise

  2. Documented health and care events at home translating them into information to share with all doctors

    1. Detailed records of all doctor visits

    2. All medication history with side effects

    3. Tracked symptoms and vitals each day

  3. One hour of meditation and visualization each day

    1. Meditation and Visualization

All was done by hand and became a way of life.

One goal: to live

And LIVE she did. Six months later on a doctor visit, after a scan, they couldn’t find the tumor. THEY COULDN’T FIND THE TUMOR they said would kill her.

My mother lived not for six months, or even six years–but 27 more years after being told she had six months to live. 

She told me she focused her visualization on shrinking the tumor AND what her life would be like living. Her children. Her career. Her LIFE.

She visualized her life so she could live it. Again, and live she did.

Focus on living your best life each day. Understand your mood and triggers. Episode 17 (part of Season 2) is entitled Triggers. Listen to that one for more targeted discussion. But knowing your triggers is key to avoiding them. 

Then know your joys. Those are the opposites of triggers. These are the occurrences that drive joy and happiness in your life. Pursue those! If you know what they are, then you can achieve them. If you aren’t actively defining your best life, you will never live it.

I’m going to read the titles of episodes 1-3 of this season: Do You Care Enough To Live Your Best Life? That’s the question all in one. If the overall answer is yes, then you know what to do. Each episode has laid the foundation for your path. Walk it. And I’m ready to walk the path with you. With that, here’s the special announcement I mentioned….


I’m starting something new ONLY for Treat Us Right listeners and referrals of listeners.

Family Navigator service. Or FAN Service. I become your FAN. 

With me as your FAN I can guarantee you 3 things:

  1. You will be ORGANIZED. Everything will be clear on what needs to be done.

  2. You will get HELP. You’re not alone in this. We make it easy for you to get help so everything gets done.

  3. You will SAVE MONEY - This service pays for itself many times over.

Let me be your Family Navigator. Let me be your FAN.

What You Do (Time: < 1 hour)

  • Complete a brief 5-minute questionnaire about your SDP family situation.

  • Meet with your Family Navigator (FAN) for 30 minutes for context. (Note: this 30 minutes will save you hours in the future.)

What Your FAN Does (Time: Ongoing)

  • Creates a Personalized Action Plan (PAP) based on your questionnaire responses and consultation. 

  • Onboards your care staff onto the Care3 mobile app for PAP implementation.

  • Trains your care staff (and you if desired) on how to use the app, documenting all care task completion, medication adherence, appointment/shift scheduling and more.

  • Sends you a Monthly Activity Report each month to show what happened the previous month. This report can be used in doctor visits so they know how things are going and make personalized treatment decisions.

  • Checks in with you periodically to collaborate for any updates to the PAP. Things change over time and your FAN is with you at every step.

Don’t You Want A FAN?

We all need fans, right? Let us be your FAN.

Best of all? It’s only $99 to bring me on as your FAN. 

At Care3, we help people just like you overcome and thrive given their health and care challenges. Here’s our promise. We will save you at least 5x the $99 FAN Service membership fee or your money back. Period. No questions asked. 

How do you opt-in to FAN Service? It’s easy. Simply go to Fill out the form. It takes 5 minutes! No credit card needed. If you love FAN Service, we will bill you in 30 days. If not, no worries. We will always be your fan.

Have questions about FAN Service? Here’s my personal email address–yes you can Email me directly at (all spelled out). 

I look forward to hearing from you. Feedback is always welcome. Please subscribe and if you like Treat Us Right, give us that 5-star rating! Do it now so you don’t forget.

You won’t want to miss our next episodes! Thanks for listening and take care.