Season 2 Ep. 6: Action. MitoAction.

We have a special episode of the Treat Us Right Podcast.



In a joint podcast, we are talking to Kira and Stephanie from the Care3 Global Innovation Partnership group, MitoAction, where we focus Care3 for mitochondrial disease as a chronic condition as MitoAction Mobile.


Why should I listen to this episode? This is how Care3 is used for ANY chronic illness.


You’re going to hear patient testimonials, parent testimonials about how Care3 has changed the course of their lives and lifestyle.


Our users are leveraging their real world health and care experiences to create irrefutable data that can be used with their healthcare teams to receive ultra-personalized and most importantly, unbiased, healthcare.


It’s well documented that health disparities exist in the US healthcare system. Underserved groups do not receive care at the highest levels. Those health disparities can be erased by providing real world experiences and data to healthcare teams. Treatment decisions are based on your experiences and not biased clinical protocols.


Listen in to this episode because you’re going to hear how that works and who you can use Care3 to get ultra-personalized care.