Season 2 Ep. 3: Shock


Welcome to the Treat Us Right Podcast, Season 2, Episode 3: Shock.

This episode follows up on the Moment you learn of a life-changing diagnosis—either for yourself or a loved one. It’s about the shock you feel after that Moment. What do you do? How do you process the shock? How does the feeling of shock impact what comes next?

Listen to Episode 3: Shock.


That initial shock is really a collection of feelings; feelings of uncertainty, fear, denial, sadness, regret, the how and the why. But overall, shock is a feeling of being overwhelmed by the moment—by the information that was relayed. And in this case, by the revelation of a life-changing condition, that shock is all about the uncertainty of it all coupled with the certainty of the diagnosis, what does this mean? How does this change my life?

I know I've taken some serious hits. I've had initial shocks, aftershocks, all of these things—but I live a good life. And so does each member of my family. We know despite our challenges, that there are certainly people who have it harder—who would gladly trade their situation for ours…

Season 2 of Treat Us Right.

This season we are focusing on the lifestyle that emerges when faced with a life-changing health event—whether for yourself or a loved one. How do we adjust to this new normal? What should we do to get the best care (this is a MAJOR theme)? How can we protect our mental health in addition to our physical needs?

If you or your family has now entered a life-changing healthcare situation, contact us at

We can help. We’ve been there. We are there. It’s what we do.