The (Unclear) Impact of Net Neutrality Repeal on Care3


Today's decision to roll back net neutrality regulations by the FCC may have far-reaching implications, but the impact on Care3 is still unclear. We are actively engaging in conversations with industry leaders and technology analysts to predict any issues that may arise that could impair our ability to deliver the highest quality planning and communications services for patients, families and the healthcare industry. Our goal in service development has always been to create a product that doesn't require much space on devices and is fast enough to perform at standards akin to old dial-up speeds. While we are still aspiring to those goals, repeal of net neutrality could change the rules so much that even platforms as optimized as Care3 could see performance slowdowns.

We will certainly keep you posted as we learn more and when any Internet Service Providers update their policies for how data is distributed to customers. Thank you for your attention to this issue.

The Care3 Team

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