Social Work and Technology. Time to Unite for Social Change

Social work and technology. Those two words don't typically flow together like peanut butter & jelly. Perhaps they should. Social workers perform the outreach to people in need and help them manage the complexities of life from healthcare, economics, job searches, financial management, and other areas that can cause people to have difficulty and friction in their lives, especially in underserved areas. NSWM_2016Conference

Care3 Co-Founder & CEO David Williams recently had the opportunity to present at the Network for Social Work Management (NSWM) annual management conference in Los Angeles. The session, entitled "Technology Innovation for Social Impact", was headlined by City Light Capital Founder and Managing Partner, Josh Cohen. Josh eloquently shared his framework for social impact investing across multiple sectors and featured Care3 among companies that are creating innovative technology for healthcare-based social impact. Josh serves on the Board of Directors for NSWM and sees the potential that adding technology for social workers can do to enhance theirs and their clients' lives.

"Care3 is a great example of a technology platform that helps social workers do what they do best. Take care of people who need a little help to manage the complexities of living." says Josh Cohen.

Technology can help community-based care managers in multiple ways as tech typically does. Organization, communication, data, and storage of information. Care3 delivers on those factors and more when it comes to care management firms and how they interact with colleagues and clients.

"We very much appreciate David's presenting the Care3 platform because we don't often get to see technology solutions designed specifically for us." adds Lakeya Cherry, Executive Director of NSWM.

Care3 elegantly combines patient and family engagement with post-acute care coordination on the same platform to improve outcomes and reduce costly hospital readmissions for underserved populations including seniors, people of color, and the disabled. Social workers are the engine of this practice so we were honored to share Care3 at the NSWM conference.

Care3 is introducing its Beta Partner Program which offers the Care3 platform to independent care management firms for free for 60 days. The goal is to assess the value of Care3 for their work and measure impacts. Eighteen companies have signed up for the Beta Partner Program already. To learn how you and your firm can participate, email us at

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