
Care3 helps Managed Medicaid (MLTSS) achieve clinical and financial goals with our award-winning collaborative care technology platform. Your MLTSS program can achieve superior results. Request a deep dive to learn how.

Care3 PROVEN RESULTS in Community-based Care

Care3 worked with a leading senior care program to evaluate how HIPAA-compliant text messaging combined with care planning could improve communications with family caregivers and influence care in the home to drive outcomes for elderly with chronic conditions.

Click to download white paper summary.

Click to download white paper summary.

Care3 directly led to a per-month reduction in Level 2 falls of 5% over the course of six months resulting in cost savings of $648 per participant per month—generating an extraordinary 20x ROI.

Compared to the national average, Care3 could reduce monthly Level 2 falls by as much as 50% for comparable chronic care management programs—leading to potential savings of an astounding $3,800 per participant per month.

Care3 also increased care plan adherence by 68%, showing that the care team and family caregivers can collaborate to deliver high quality of care.

You can influence care in the home and community with Care3. Request a Deep Dive and in only 30 minutes, we can show you how to use Care3 to engage patients and families, streamline your internal operations, and bring your patients back into your center for appropriate care.

Care3 uses mobile technology and algorithms to improve the ability of MLTSS programs to influence care delivered at home and increase revenues by driving appropriate care interactions with Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries to improve outcomes.

Articles for Managed Medicaid